
Sunday, June 9, 2013


The pentacle is, as per the dictionary: a talisman, a magical object typically disk shaped and inscribed with a pentagram or other figure. Now, tell me the truth: You see, let's say, a woman walking towards you and she's wearing a pentacle around her neck, simply a five pointed star with one point aligned upwards and you say to yourself "STAY AWAY FROM THE WITCH". Or, you may say, "OH, NO A DEMON WORSHIPER". But what is I told you that the pentacle has been around for many many years. Oh yes. Did you know that:
    Tarot Reader
  • The Medal of Honor is a pentacle- Yes indeed Bob, the medal of honor, the highest medal for valor in combat is a pentacle. Also known as The Congressional Medal of Honor because the president awards it via Congress.
  • Did you know that the five points of the pentacle has been known to represent the five wounds of Christ. 
  • That it has been widely used by past Christians as an amulet.
  • That it has been referred to the Star of Bethlehem.
  • That it's referred to as being the star that led the wise men to Jesus.
  • It also represents the five elements, air, fire, water, earth and the top point representing spirit. Used by the Wiccans in the religion of Wicca. 
  • It also represents one of suits of the Tarot Cards. The suit of Pentacles, originally the coins. Also now, the suit of diamonds in playing cards.
The pentacle has long been worn as a protective measure or tool much like the cross. People carry their lucky rabbits foot, AA people carry around their marbles (this is a long story, I won't go into it now) but you get the pic. 

Now, there is the inverted pentagram. This is the one you want to fear. This is the religious symbol of Baphomet or Satanism. The official symbol of The Church of Satan is that of the Sigil of Baphomet, also known as the inverted pentagram. See pic below.
Inverted Pentagram

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