
Saturday, June 15, 2013


Oh, how we hate this card coming up in a reading. The Grim Reaper is coming for us. The skeleton on the horse carrying a flag in a grey cast sky. This is not a great card but it's not what you may think. It could very well signify what it implies, that someone may die, including the person who is getting the reading but it's unlikely. The true meaning of this card is pretty simple. Thank Goodness that the reaper is not looking at you or me in the reading, he is looking straight forward, moving ahead. The sky is gray not black, makes a big difference. He carries the flag of "surrender".
Take a look, he's leaving bodies as he goes at a steady pace. He is leaving his old body behind. Although there is a grey background there is also color in the card. This card is about "Transformations".

Lets take a look,
  • Have you gone through a traumatic experience lately, job loss, broken relationships, health issues?
  • Have you mourned these issues, are in the process of mourning them?
  • Are you still stuck, can't move forward?
The Death Tarot Card is telling you that there is a transformation coming your way. In order for us to move forward, we need to mourn, scream, cry, remove our outer shells while we are at it. We have to strip ourselves bare of whatever issue have consumed us and when we do this, when we are left in our own skeleton, we are ready to move forward. This card is telling the reader that you have done this and now it's time for a change. A rapid change. Things will get better now. Only when we have mourned, healed, accepted what has happened can we then transform ourselves to what we need to become. These experiences humble us and they allow us to start fresh. We have surrendered ourselves to ourselves. Like a mother who says to a child who has fallen and scraped a knee, "Done with and gone, it will get better", this card is the same. When you see this card, you are on your way to a new life, a new hopeful life that will bring better things. Maybe the things, person won't be the same as what was lost but all the same, it will be regained and maybe even better. The white horse the reaper rides is the color of purity and faith. This is what we are left with after a traumatic or not so great experience. The bad is now going to be good and maybe even better than what was lost.

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