
Monday, June 3, 2013


Here we have it. The card that looks dreadful. It's the dreaded Tower Card. It's absolutely interesting to look at this card. Lightning, fire, people falling to their death. If there was ever a card that no one should look forward to seeing in their reading, it's this one. But all cards, no matter how bad they can be, have a positive side. The Tower Card signifies destruction. Life as you once knew it will not be. A disaster is looming and you have no control over it. Like rain, you cannot stop it. It could mean divorce or health issues, if present with other cup cards. It could be a downfall in finances (loss of a job) if combined with the Pents. It could be anything. If in the present position in your reading, watch out. If in the future position you can try and prevent "the catastrophe". This is the card that can even mean the death of a loved one. And it could literally mean the destruction of a tower. I gave a reading right before 911. The person worked at the twin towers at the time and decided not to go to work that day. Intuition told her that something was looming, something dark and dreadful. And literally on 9 /11 towers did collapse. 
A Version of The Tower Card
The Terrifying Tower Card

But as we look we look closely, however terrifying this card is there is a good side to it. What is it? Renewal. When we suffer a setback or catastrophe of any sort, we need to mourn the loss, grieve and renew. Without this process, we wouldn't be as strong as we all are. Experience is another word that comes to mind. We experience things throughout our lives and get through them with the help of friends and family. We experience a spiritual transformation. We pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off like mom taught us after a fall. The Tower Card reminds us that we all have to go through unpleasantness to appreciate the good times in life. When we are dealt the Tower Card in a reading, our faith kicks in and we learn to love our lives and ourselves even more once we get through the setback. 

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