
Friday, June 21, 2013


Now this is an interesting card. Two naked people and above a guardian angel. Angels usually represent earthly desires. The Lovers Card is a bit contradictory. You see two lovers and automatically think this card is all about LOVE. You may say to yourself that by having this card appear in a reading it means that you will find true and lasting love. But this card comes with a punch. I will show you the card that actually means true love and connection but let me explain the Lovers card first.

  • This card has more to do with lust than with everlasting love
  • It has to do with feeling a physical attraction to someone
  • It may mean that you may marry and form a union with someone else but it's unlikely
  • It has to do with instant gratification
  • Most importantly, this card has to do with making choices, moral choices. When this card comes up it usually means that you may be contemplating doing something that may have a large impact on your life maybe not now but sooner or later. Like have an affair. 

So, here is the angel, snakes wrapped around trees and it reminds me of the garden of eden. The angel of desire is giving them a choice. Should you go for it? Feed you lust, desire at any expense?

The card that I believe stands for true unity, commitment and a sense of security in a relationship is the Two of Cups. The Cups Suit in the tarot is all about Feelings and Emotions. Since the Lovers card is a Major Arcana card, it has alot of pull but it has a double meaning to it. So when you do see this card in a reading ask yourself if it's gonna be worth it in the long run.
Two of Cups
This is the card you are looking for as far as a true Lovers Card.

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